Monthly Archive: April 2016


Remote X11 display on Windows machines

Xming X Server for Windows is required to open display from your remote *nix host. Xming URL: X11 packages are required on remote machine Following settings may or may not be required on the remote machine to X11 to work...


Fetching Hive schema definitions using Webhcat

Following shell script will get the schema information from Hive using WebHCat server.   #!/bin/sh #, v0.1, 2016-04-00, [email protected] # Pre-requisites: jq, curl, python (json.tool) _WEBHCAT_SERVER=”server:50111″ _USER_NAME=”JohnDoe” while [[ $# > 1 ]] do key=”$1″ case $key in -u|–user)...


Processing shell program arguments

Method 1: Without using getopts while [[ $# > 1 ]] do key=”$1″ case $key in -u|–user) _USER=”$2″ shift # past argument ;; -s|–server) _SERVER=”$2″ shift # past argument ;; *) # unknown option printf “Usage: %s: [-s <server> -u...


A nice .vimrc

Using the settings below will add colors to vi editor, change the tabstops to 4 and adds more niceness. This is how my .vimrc looks like. filetype plugin indent on ” show existing tab with 4 spaces width set number...


Ondemand local webserver

Ever wanted a local directory to host contents over http? Here is how you do it, $ python -mSimpleHTTPServer Above command will host the contents of the current directory over http port 8000. If you want to use a custom...


Installing perl modules in non standard directory

Source: Specifying PREFIX=/home/user is the only part of the installation process that is different from usual. Note that if you don’t like how Makefile.PL chooses the rest of the directories, or if you are using an older version of it...


Compiling in $HOME

Original article Author updates   Original article Source: If you don’t have root access on a particular Linux system that you use, or if you don’t want to install anything to the system directories and potentially interfere with others’ work...


umask in *nix operating systems

Source: To calculate for the umask, unlike file system permissions. The octal umasks are calculated via the bitwise AND of the unary complement of the argument using bitwise NOT. The octal notations are as follows: Octal value : Permission 0...