Tagged: hive


Querying Hive Metastore

Querying hive metastore tables can provide more in depth details on the tables sitting in Hive. This article is a collection of queries that probes Hive metastore configured with mysql to get details like list of transactional tables, etc. More...


Extract query time from hiveserver2 Interactive log

Got in a situation where you were asked to extract hive queries and the time they took to execute? Steps On log files run below 2 extracts awk ‘match($0, “^([^ ]+).*Completed executing command\\(queryId=([0-9a-z_-]+)\\); Time taken: (.*)”, a) {print “COMPLETE\t” a[1]...


Hive msck repair not working

Okay, so msck repair is not working and you saw something as below, 0: jdbc:hive2://hive_server:10000> msck repair table mytable; Error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask (state=08S01,code=1) It seems to appear because of higher...


Hive export to CSV

Bash function to export Hive table data to local CSV file Usage: hive_export_csv <db.table> <output.csv> [queue] Recommendation: Add to .bash_profile   hive_export_csv () { if [ -z “$2” ]; then echo “Bad arguments. Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} <db.table> <output.csv> [queue]” else uuid=$(uuidgen)...


HiveAccessControlException Permission denied user [user] does not have [WRITE] privilege on …

Source: https://community.hortonworks.com/questions/112754/insert-overwrite-directory-beeline.html Error Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [user] does not have [WRITE] privilege on [/tmp/*] (state=42000,code=40000) The above error appears, even though you’ve setup ranger policies, hdfs policies are set up. You’ve checked everything and...


How a newline can ruin your Hive

Source: http://marcel.is/how-newline-can-ruin-your-hive/ If you do not fully understand how Hive/Impala stores your data, it might cost you badly. Symptom #1: Weird values in ingested Hive table You double-checked with select distinct(gender) from customers that the gender column in your source RDBMS really contains only values male, female and NULL....


Hive datatype mappings

Hive meaning Teradata meaning .net BCL Type TINYINT 1-byte signed integer, from -128 to 127 ByteInt Represents a 8-bit (1-byte) signed integer. Range: -128 to 127 System.Int16 SMALLINT  2-byte signed integer, from -32,768 to 32,767  SmallInt Represents a 16-bit (2-Byte) signed integer. Range: -32,768 to 32,767...


Troubleshooting Hadoop services

Hive Lookup what killed Hive server $ grep –color=always -nr -B 1 ‘Exception|Service:HiveServer2 is started|java.lang.OutOfMemoryError’ /var/log/hive/hiveserver2.log | less -N Above command looks up the log file for exceptions and startup of hive and print one line above the search term....


Nested collections in Hive

1, 2 & 3 .. Lets go! 1. SHELL echo “1345653,110909316904:1341894546|221065796761:1341887508” > /tmp/20170317_array_inputfile.txt hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/20170317/array_test/input hdfs dfs -put /tmp/20170317_array_inputfile.txt /tmp/20170317/array_test/input rm /tmp/20170317_array_inputfile.txt 2. HIVE drop table SAMPLE; CREATE external TABLE SAMPLE( id BIGINT, record array<struct<col1:string,col2:string>> )row format...


Hive Vertex failure

Vertex failure while running Hive queries? Let’s see what can be done… Not sure..Change, hive.fetch.task.conversion=more; to hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;   Was the data on hdfs in ORC files? and error being similar to below? Vertex failed, vertexName= at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcInputFormat.generateSplitsInfo(OrcInputFormat.java: ) Try changing...