Monthly Archive: May 2020


Total commander settings

Had to stash my totalcommander settings 😎 wincmd.ini [Layout] ButtonBar=1 ButtonBarVertical=1 DriveBar1=0 DriveBar2=0 DriveBarFlat=1 InterfaceFlat=1 DriveCombo=1 DirectoryTabs=1 XPthemeBg=0 CurDir=1 TabHeader=1 StatusBar=1 CmdLine=0 KeyButtons=0 HistoryHotlistButtons=1 BreadCrumbBar=1 [Shortcuts] A+PGDN=cm_GoToDir A+PGUP=cm_GoToParent C+PGUP=cm_OpenNewTabBg C+D=cm_DirectoryHotlist C+E=cm_SrcCustomViewMenu CS+H=cm_SwitchHidSys CS+Q=cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly CS+SPACE=cm_CountDirContent F2=cm_RenameOnly F7=cm_MkDir F9=cm_CreateShortcut F10=cm_GoToFirstFile F11=cm_GetFileSpace F12=cm_SetAttrib...


Case insensitive string comparison in C++

(Not an original article) The standard library component std::basic_string<> (better known as std::string, which is a convenient typedef for std::basic_string<char>), is an important and widely used element of the standard C++ library. The declaration of basic_string<> in the standard library...


Keypirinha settings

Need to stash my Keypirinha settings, [app] hotkey_run = Alt+Space launch_at_startup = yes [gui] theme = MediumLayout, SolarizedDarkColors geometry = persistent always_on_top = yes escape_always_closes = yes retain_last_search = yes   No related posts.