Monthly Archive: September 2016


Apache drill – No current connection

After reading multiple posts, it seems that this is a problem of conflicting jars. My current setup has apache drill installed using $brew install apache-drill and upon executing $drill-embedded or $drill-localhost, I see below error (line 10) robin@MacBook-Pro:~$ drill-localhost Java HotSpot(TM)...


AWK quick reference

Tips Original article Tips awk regex awk ‘/[0-9]+ /{print}’ file.txt   not beginning with an expression awk ‘!/^anexpression/{print}’ file.txt   containing x and not containing y awk ‘/x/ && !/y/’ file.txt   Mixing single and double quotes $ awk ‘BEGIN...


VI quick reference

Introduction vi  pronounced as ” vee eye ” is a unix editor available on almost all the unix  operating systems , solaris , bsd ,aix , hpux etc. This document is a quick reference to vi editor and will be...


Crontab quick reference

Crontab generators     Source: Setting up cron jobs in Unix and Solaris cron is a unix, solaris utility that allows tasks to be automatically run in the background at regular intervals by the cron daemon. These...


Uninstalling Xamarin Studio

Source:   Uninstall script – #!/bin/bash # This is a simple script to uninstall Xamarin from your machine. # Uninstall Xamarin Studio rm -rf “/Applications/Xamarin” rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/XamarinStudio-* rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/XamarinStudio-* rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/XamarinStudio-* rm -rf ~/Library/XamarinStudio-* # Uninstall...


Hive ORC files – Pro Tips

Extract text from ORC files (source) Hive (0.11 and up) comes with ORC file dump utility. dump can be invoked by following command, $ hive –orcfiledump <location-of-orc-file>   Create hive table definition using ORC files on HDFS $ hive –orcfiledump...


Bash alias and functions for hadoop users

Functions Beeline Usage: Beeline username [queuename] export beeline_jdbc=”jdbc:hive2://servername.fqdn:10000″ Beeline(){ if [ -z “$beeline_jdbc” ]; then echo “Error: beeline_jdbc var not available” fi if [ -z “$1” ]; then echo -e “No user specified.\nUsage: Beeline <user> [<queue>]” return 1 fi queue=”default”...


Deleting users from Ranger database (mysql)

Once you sync users in Apache Ranger they will stay in the database even if we sync ranger users from a different source. All those users will clutter up the Ranger user interface. Following two scripts will help in deleting...